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The Best Way to Book a Multi Stop Air Ticket

A multi-stop air ticket is an airline ticket that enables you to travel to different destinations across the globe. As its name implies, this ticket is comprised of more than two or three stops. It’s practically like a RTW flight, but more flexible. You won’t need to fly over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans nor…

Ways of Booking a Multi-City Flight!

Multi-city flights combine different flights to several cities into one booking and payment. It essentially means booking all the flights involved in your itinerary in one go. This saves you more time as well as money. But what really makes multi-city flights attractive to frequent traveller is that they offer more flexibility compared to RTW…

Four Reasons Why You are a Rookie in Multi City Travel

Have you ever tried booking a multi city trip only to give up in the end because it’s just too expensive? Multi stop air tickets don’t have to cost that much. You’re probably just doing it wrong. Here are common rookie mistakes to avoid when booking multi stop air tickets: Rookie mistake #1: Not using…

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